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Vox Telecom Receives Signals from South Africa’s first Ka-band Satellite


Vox Telecom has received the first transmission from Y1-B, South Africa’s firstKa-band satellite, the company announced June 14.

Vox Telecom plans to use the satellite to bring affordable, high-speed broadband service to both rural and urban areas by Aug. 1. Vox Telecom launched the service in May in partnership with Yahsat under the brand name YahClick.

“We opened the Gauteng spot beam for testing on Monday and received an extremely strong signal, with the remaining spot beams around South Africa coming online soon,” Vox Telecom YahClick Project Manager Jacques Visser said in a statement. “Our focus at the moment revolves around testing the platform in the field and to ensure that our technical staff and resellers are fully trained and ready to start installing the product when we officially launch the product on Aug. 1.”