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AsiaSat Selects ILS Proton for 2014 Launch

International Launch Services (ILS) has been contracted by Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. (AsiaSat) to launch AsiaSat 6, AsiaSat 8 or AsiaSat 9 on an ILS Proton rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome as early as 2014, the companies confirmed June 22.
The launch contract includes an option for AsiaSat to order one additional launch service from ILS for any of its upcoming three satellites.
“We have relied on the professionalism and precision of the ILS and Khrunichev teams to launch our satellites over the past 13 years,” AsiaSat President and CEO William Wade said in a statement. “This launch service contract with ILS Proton will allow the timely provision of additional high-quality and comprehensive satellite services to our customers. We anticipate that ILS and Khrunichev will again provide us outstanding quality and value to support our business plan.”