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Waveguide Device


Usually our customers inquire about the waveguide inquiry, sometimes there will be some customers have some questions. We summarize the customer's problems as follows:

1. I would like to purchase waveguide, what requirements do I need to provide you?

Reply: Frequency, the type, the length and the flange of waveguide.

Extension: National waveguide standards

2. The customer's waveguide is to match the power amplifier, do you need to give us a quote?

Reply: Use the size and dimension of the power amplifier and how large the antenna you use, here the power amplifier mounted on the fixed station antenna center tube example.

As you can see from the picture, starting from the transmitter of the duplexer, we arranged the curved waveguide to turn out of the central cylinder, and finally connected with the flexible waveguide and the power amplifier. Sometimes there will be customer feedback, your waveguide quotation is higher than other manufacturers, this you can not only look at the price, or need to look at the specific configuration. Some manufacturers directly give you two soft waveguides connected out , loss is a more important indicator.