Thales Partners with Honeywell to Integrate Ka-band System for Global Xpress - Industry News - Shaanxi Probecom Microwave Technology Co., Ltd. window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event){ document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='.pdf']").forEach(function(e){ e.addEventListener('click', function(){ gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-989329636/q8bmCO-rxY4DEOTx39cD'}); }); }); });
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Thales Partners with Honeywell to Integrate Ka-band System for Global Xpress


Thales Alenia Space will partner with Honeywell to integrate its Inmarsat Global Xpress aviation Ka-band satcom avionics and antenna systems with Thales’ cabin network solutions, the companies announced Sept. 21.

The partnership aims to provide commercial airline operators and passengers with four times the in-flight connectivity bandwidth currently available  and to enable real-time TV channel viewing, social media connectivity, virtual office capability and video conferencing.

Boeing is currently building the Inmarsat Global Xpress satellites at its facilities in El Segundo, Calif. The first of the three Global Xpress launches  is planned for the third quarter of 2013.

“Inmarsat’s GX Aviation Ka-band satellite connectivity system is a game changer and continues our tradition of providing the commercial aerospace market with innovative, proven and reliable products,” Honeywell Vice President Jack Jacobs said in a statement. “We expect that this connectivity system will provide airlines with  significantly larger bandwidth at a cost-effective price.”