Telesat Applauds Canada’s Aerospace Review Report
Canadian satellite operator Telesathas issued a statement supporting the Aerospace Review Report, which addresses many of the critical issues facing Canada’s space industry. Telesat announced its support Nov. 29.
The Report provides a clear statement that the development and security in the North should be high government priorities in a Canadian Space Program. According to the Aerospace Review Report, the Canadian government should prioritize making procurement decisions that strengthen domestic industries, and therefore the national economy, while obtaining the best products at a reasonable price and respecting international trade rules.
“Given that Canada is making fewer space investments than certain other countries the Government of Canada must be highly targeted and strategic when it procures space related services and goods with a view toward enhancing the competitiveness of the Canadian space sector while at the same time achieving a good value proposition for the Canadian taxpayer,” Telesat President and CEO Dan Goldberg said in a statement.
The Report provides a clear statement that the development and security in the North should be high government priorities in a Canadian Space Program. According to the Aerospace Review Report, the Canadian government should prioritize making procurement decisions that strengthen domestic industries, and therefore the national economy, while obtaining the best products at a reasonable price and respecting international trade rules.
“Given that Canada is making fewer space investments than certain other countries the Government of Canada must be highly targeted and strategic when it procures space related services and goods with a view toward enhancing the competitiveness of the Canadian space sector while at the same time achieving a good value proposition for the Canadian taxpayer,” Telesat President and CEO Dan Goldberg said in a statement.