NASA Hitchhikes Oceanography Instrument on Argentine Aquarius Satellite - Industry News - Shaanxi Probecom Microwave Technology Co., Ltd. window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event){ document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='.pdf']").forEach(function(e){ e.addEventListener('click', function(){ gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-989329636/q8bmCO-rxY4DEOTx39cD'}); }); }); });
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NASA Hitchhikes Oceanography Instrument on Argentine Aquarius Satellite

United Launch Alliance Delta 2 rocket is set to launch the Argentine SAC-D satellite and a hitchhiking NASA instrument June 9 from the Vandenberg U.S. Air Force Base, NASA confirmed June 7.
The Argentine SAC-D observatory carries a primary NASA instrument, dubbed Aquarius, which aims to measure ocean surface salinity to study interactions between ocean circulation, the water cycle and climate. Other SAC-D instruments on the Argentine satellite also will collect environmental data for a wide range of uses.
NASA invested $287 million in the instrument’s design, development, launch and operations, according to agency officials.