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Lockheed Martin Successfully Turns On Power of First GPS 3 Satellite


Lockheed Martin, under contract to develop the U.S. Air Force’s next generation Global Positioning System 3 satellites, has successfully turned on power to the system module of the program’s first spacecraft, which indicates the company is on schedule for a 2014 launch.

The milestone is also a demonstration of the satellite’s mechanical integration, which validates its interfaces and leads the way for electrical and integrated hardware-software testing. The GPS 3 Space Vehicle One (SV-1) satellite will complete its Assembly, Integration and Test (AI&T) next.

The new GPS 3 satellites are expected to deliver better accuracy, have improved anti-jamming power, last longer, and add a new civil signal designed to be interoperable with international global navigation satellite systems. Lockheed Martin is currently under contract to produce the first four, and advanced procurement funding of long-lead components for the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth satellites. The Air Force plans to purchase up to 32 GPS 3 satellites.