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Inmarsat to Provide Satcom Equipment, Services to Race2Recovery Team

Inmarsatis providing the Race2Recovery team with satellite communications equipment and services in support of its goal to complete the 2013 Dakar Rally in South America in January 2013, the company announced Nov. 15.
The team consists of injured former British and US service personnel, veterans and expert volunteers, aiming to participate in the off-road endurance race to raise money for Help For Heroes and associated U.S. charities.
To allow the team to keep in touch during their desert preparations in Morocco and during the 8,000 kilometer rally, Inmarsat is providing Inmarsat portable and vehicular BGAN terminals, eight IsatPhone Pro handheld phones and an unlimited voice and data service. The Inmarsat is designed to deliver with voice and real-time broadband data connectivity no matter how remote the location, as locations include the Atacama Desert and the Andes. They will be able to video link with the crews back in the UK, post updates on Facebook, Twitter and the charity’s website, and seek help for any emergencies.
Race2Recovery Team Co-director, former Royal Regiment of Fuseliers Captain, and Veteran of the Afghan Conflict, Tony Harris is one of the drivers and a below-the-knee amputee.
“The Inmarsat BGAN terminal means that the team can rely on great voice and broadband connectivity in even the most remote of locations. The kit is incredibly simple, lightweight and compact and is great for updating social media sites with texts and photos and for sending emails,” said Captain Harris. “On our first training session in October in Morocco, one of the vehicles had two punctures. As we each carry only one spare, we had to send a vehicle to find new tyres. Using BGAN we were able to find a supplier, while the IsatPhone Pros allowed the different crews to keep in touch.”