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Hughes Enters Technology Development Partnership with Russia’s RSCC


Hughes Network Systems has signed a technology cooperation memorandum of understanding with the Russian Satellite Communications Co. (RSCC) to explore the development of multimedia video and broadband Internet services via RSCC satellites in Russia, the companies announced May 15.

Hughes will examine the possibility of deploying its research and production capabilities on Russian territory. RSCC said it would leverage Hughes’ experience in developing and managing satellite communications networks in Russia. RSCC added that it is willing to consider providing Hughes with the necessary ground and space infrastructure at RSCC’s Space Communication Centers to conduct testing and develop new solutions.

The companies expect to develop a full-scale partnership cooperation program in 2013 that will aim to offer low-cost solutions for public and private entities interested in multiple-system services.

“We are happy to expand cooperation with Hughes,” RSCC Director General Yuri Prokhorov. “RSCC seeks to implement state-of-the-art technological solutions and innovative practices in the global satellite communications market, and Hughes brings unique technology and market experience in addition to that of other RSCC industry partners from abroad.”