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Bolivia + China—Off + Away For TKSat-1 (Launch)


Dissimilar to the failure of the CBERS-3 launch on December 9th, TKSat-1 made spatial headway on December 20th at 17:02 UTC, as this first telecommunications satellite for Bolivia successfully headed into space via launch by a Chinese Long March 3B/E rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the province of Sichuan.

Packing 26 Ku- 2 C- and 2 Ka-band transponders, TKSat-1 will offer communications and broadcasting services to Bolivia as well as other support for SatHealth™ data, governmental civil projects, and remote education services. TKSat-1, also known as Tupac Katari, is based on manufacturer China Great Wall Industry Corporation's DFH-4 platform, the latter built by the China Academy of Space Technology. The liftoff mass was 5,100kg and the satellite has an expected lifespan of approximately 15 years.

Operating from the orbital slot at 87.2 degrees West, TKSat-1's output power is 10.5kW, with a payload capacity of 588kg, and its reach will include Argentina, the areas east of Brazil and north of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay.